16.8.09/10:41 PM
Used to breathe without a doubt.
First hotmail, then facebook, then blogger. And I just fucking lost my post. Fuck blogger man. Fuck the internet, would you stop screwing yourself?

Wrote something kind of a spur of a moment kind of thing so... I'll try my best to retrieve the information from my OWN reliable memory bank.


Twins are cool. It's when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote, which then divides into two separate embryos. Scientifically it doesn't sound very significant but if you think about it, it's really actually very... precious.

Was on youtube just now for fun. Ended up looking for Patrick/Bill stuff. Then I came across a video of Bill crying. Out of curiousity I clicked on it. All it took was the description and I cried. Here's what the person wrote:

Bill was crying because it was his birthday in this video, and they were talking about what Bill wanted for his birthday, and Tom said "The best gift that I ever received came ten minutes after I was born." And, obviously, that gift was Bill. :)

Maybe you guys'll just shrug it off, but it's different when you've been walking alone for a very long time. By this, I mean it in the physical context. Sometimes you just need a physical person to be there to listen/be there for you. That's just about it.

Just how long has it been?


I'm surrounded by a million people and I still feel alone.
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oh hell yes, i'm a nervous wreck
these drugs just make me reset

© Layout done by
materialisti-c. xoxo xoxo
Edited by Me(:

my parachute
hi, my words are dreary and i like them like that bcuz this is just about the other side of life. i also like boys w brown eyes and nice hair w a gorgeous smile and a heart after God's.

can't bring
works only in
FF, Opera, Safari

» find me

twins/hearts II

me back
you are fail.


the ground
Ich brauche dich nicht, und Sie brauchen mich nicht.

Adele Andrea Angela Brenda Freida Glacie Hannah Izzuan Jasmine Jeanette Jellybean Jialin Joel Juma'ah Junhao Kathlyn Kendrick Lingling Lorna Lydia Matthias Patrizha Pearly Pingping Roxanne Selynna Shiying Soranokira Valery Veronica Xuan Kai 2e4`o7's chatbox 2e4`o7 3e1`o8